Dear Parents,

We are so grateful for our growing community of families, students, instructors and volunteers. It is such a blessing to partner with all of you and to see our students thriving. In addition to our core, elective and enrichment classes, we will be offering some new and exciting elective courses this Spring including U.S. Geography, Cursive, 3D Digital Printing/Photoshop and Heroes of the American Revolution, WordPress, Graphic Design and more.

This Course Catalog includes course descriptions for each of our individual classes. All classes are offered on an ala carte basis, giving parents the option of selecting those classes that will enhance their independent educational program. Please note that many of our vendors require a minimum student count to run the class. If you have any questions, please contact us.

We will soon be providing our families with registration links via our CCB registration. Our CCB registration form is set up by grade level and you will need to complete one form per student.

Thank you,
Kelly Broedlow Dunagan & Sheri Pike



Grades 1st-6th
Instructor: Champs Universal

Course Description: In this class students will learn Ancient histories and cultures through the game of Minecraft. Students will not just learn about ancient Mesopotamia they will become their own early civilization trying to construct irrigation and build Ziggurats just like the Mesopotamians did. From Egypt and the Pyramids to Ancient China and the Great Wall students will take a game they love and use it to become the history and the stories that began the story of us.

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week. A
la Carte Price: $320 per 16-week term

Charter Funds: Cabrillo Point, Ilead, Sage Oak, Scale, Sky Mountain, River Springs, Citrus Springs, Empire Springs, Harbor Springs, Mission Vista -Vendor ID 5906, Excel.
Please contact the vendor directly regarding charter fund options and information at


Grades 1-8
Instructor: Creative Creatures & Co.

Course Description: Welcome to the world of comic books and characters. Join us for this super creative and exciting 16 week class as we peek into the world of comics and story boards, character drawing and scene/background/landscape illustration! Students will learn the art of character development as they set up a story of their own focusing on the ideas of theme, figure and form, character emotions and movements. We will also work with unique material as we learn how to bind, bone fold and create our own books filled with color studies, illustrations, mixed media work and more! You will be amazed at their final outcome: a series of books made 100% by them filled with wonderful creativity to cherish forever!

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $275.00 per 16-week term

Charter Funds:

We work with the following charters but please make sure you can use your funds by checking in with your TOR (Teacher of Record) at your charter before submitting.
Blue Ridge, Cabrillo Point, Citrus Springs Compass, Empire Springs, Epic, Excel, Granite Mountain, Harbor Springs, iLead, Mission Vista, Pacific Coast, River Springs, Sage Oak, SCALE, Sky Mountain, Suncoast Prep.

Please contact the vendor directly regarding charter fund options and information at 949-291-6910.


Grades 1-8
Instructor: Creative Creatures & Co

Course Description: The basics of traditional painting are an essential start for anyone looking to move into illustration, digital painting, and/or fine art. Learn and practice the fundamentals of representational painting from a Laguna College of Art and Design teacher and portrait painter.

This class begins with understanding values (shades of black to white) to show volume and light. Then we will move into basic color schemes and color mixing while using watercolor, gouache(an opaque and vibrant medium vs. acrylic), and eventually oil! Class projects will progress from fundamental exercises to painting real objects. Then we will explore the color and light of landscapes and lastly incorporate portraits and figures. Along the way we will draw inspiration from art styles of the past and present to influence our projects. This class is a great start for any student with a love of drawing and the patience to mix colors and handle a paintbrush.

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $275 per 16-week term

Charter Funds:

We work with the following charters but please make sure you can use your funds by checking in with your TOR (Teacher of Record) at your charter before submitting.
Blue Ridge, Cabrillo Point, Citrus Springs Compass, Empire Springs, Epic, Excel, Granite Mountain, Harbor Springs, iLead, Mission Vista, Pacific Coast, River Springs, Sage Oak, SCALE, Sky Mountain, Suncoast Prep.

Please contact the vendor directly regarding charter fund options and information at 949-291-6910.


Grades 1-5
Instructor: Pastor Taylor Pike

Course Description: Bible Basics Club- is a practical, guided teaching to learn the basics of following Jesus. Each lesson is designed to provide your student with basic instruction on a specific biblical topic, life application, scripture, and review questions. No homework will be assigned. Bring a snack, hang out, and let’s learn about being followers of Jesus!

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $200 per 16-week term
A materials fee of $25.00 will be collected by the instructor.

Textbooks needed: Bible
Charter Not Accepted


Grades 6-9
Instructor: Tami Storeim

Course Description: The purpose of this class is to disciple and encourage our students to fully know and understand their identity in Christ and to help them discover their unique God-given gifts and talents. Our focus begins with the biblical principle that we were all fearfully and wonderfully made by our creator God and that God has a special plan and purpose for each of us.

Our students will continue to journal, memorize scripture that speaks to their heart and develop their own Godly Strategic Plans. We will discuss what the Bible has to say about topics such as: stewarding our gifts and talents, gifts of the Holy Spirit, fruit of the spirit, the uselessness of worry, anxiety and fear, and recognizing God’s power in our lives.

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $200 per 16-week term
A materials fee of $25.00 will be collected by the instructor.

Textbook needed: Bible
Charter Not Accepted


Grades 1-8
Instructor: Ms. Brianna Robertson

Course Description: Bright Minds Tutoring is more than just a study hall! Ms. Robertson provides tutoring assistance and additional learning support (as needed) for our core Tuesday/Thursday students. Students will complete their assigned work and/or participate in math games and/or writing and spelling exercises in a small group setting.

Ala Carte Price: 60 minute class: $240 per 16-week term
90 minute class: $360 per 16-week term.

This class is a supplement to our core math and language arts classes. Do not enroll unless your child attends our core math and language arts classes.

Charter Not Accepted


Grades 1-8
Instructor: IncludEDucation

Course Description: What’s more fun than playing a video game? Making one! Students design and help program their own video games. Students will learn the basics of creating a video game in a simplified, age-appropriate curriculum. This is a great opportunity to introduce younger students to coding. Students learn about If/Then commands and how they are crucial to programming as they experiment with creation tools to make their characters within the video game. Students will get to take their games home at the end of the semester to share with their families!

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $288 per 16-week term.

Charter Funds:
Please contact the vendor directly regarding charter fund options and information at 951-6384334 or .


Grades 4-8
Instructor: Cynthia Leatherman

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to build on the skills learned by students in the Beginning Crochet elective course. Students enrolling in intermediate crochet will need to be proficient in the following stitches: chain stitch, slip stitch, single crochet, double crochet, half double crochet, and triple crochet.

Course Content: Students will choose a project to make during the semester from a selection of patterns provided or approved by the teacher. They will learn how to follow a pattern and decipher pattern abbreviations. Students will gain experience using the more difficult skills learned in Beginning Crochet, such as turning corners, increasing and decreasing stitches, adding on, joining together, and weaving in. Students will select their own yarn and incorporate their own designs into the project they pick.

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $240 per 16-week term. Supply list will be provided.

Charter Not Accepted


Grades 2-8
Instructor: Veronica DeLuca

Course Description:. In this course, students will learn to recognize and create cursive letterforms, and to connect letters to form words as they complete fun worksheets and exercises. They’ll complete entertaining and engaging activities and projects to help build the motor skills and muscle control needed to become successful cursive writers.

When students have learned to write in cursive, they’re also able to read in cursive, and so towards the end of the course we will go over some of the important historical documents they’ll be able to read with their new skillset.

Cursive writing has been shown to have a positive influence on children’s spelling, composition skills, motor skills, and word recall. It has been shown to assist the reading and writing skills of students with dyslexia. Researchers also found that cursive writing specifically, requires a coordination of brain and body that is helpful to learning overall. We are thrilled to be able to help students learn to write in cursive, granting them access to all these important benefits that will enhance their education long after they’ve completed this course.

Class price: $240 per 16-week term.
Materials/curriculum fee is $50. (Textbook will be provided.) You will pay directly to the instructor.

Charter not accepted


Grades 1-8
Instructor: Champs Universal

Course Description: Welcome to Geography Explorers, a thrilling expedition where geography comes alive through games, projects, and a dash of American flavors. Throughout this immersive journey, delve into the depths of U.S. geography, unraveling the intricacies of state capitals, major cities, geographical features, and regional differences. Engage in interactive board games like “GeoQuest” and “U.S. Odyssey,” navigating the diverse landscapes and cultural richness found across the country. Creative projects will lead you to craft maps, explore regional topographies, and create cultural displays that capture the essence of various American regions.

Alongside these adventures, savor the diverse flavors of America through culinary experiences, sampling authentic dishes that celebrate the unique tastes of different American regions, connecting food to the geographical landscapes that inspire them. In this exploration, we’ll not only cover landforms, climate, and natural resources but also delve into the cultural aspects of different regions within the country, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the rich tapestry of American geography and culture.

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $320 per 16-week term

Charter Funds:
Cabrillo Point, Ilead, Sage Oak, Scale, Sky Mountain, River Springs, Citrus Springs, Empire Springs, Harbor Springs, Mission Vista -Vendor ID 5906, Excel


Grades 1-8
Instructor: Merisa Leatherman

Course Description: This dynamic class will combine nutrition and sports. Coach Merisa Leatherman will start kids off with warm-ups and then lead them in a variety of sports such as basketball, kickball, pickleball, dodge ball etc. Once a month, Coach Merisa will host a class-room style nutrition course. Our students will learn about healthy eating, reading food labels, understanding carbs, proteins and fats and how to properly fuel the body.

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $240 per 16 week term

Charter Not Accepted



Grades 1-8
Instructor: Champs Universal

Course Description: Prepare to step back in time and immerse yourself in the epic saga of the American Revolution! In this captivating course, history leaps from the pages as we explore the revolutionary era through the lives and legacies of its courageous heroes. Every day unfolds a new chapter as we delve into the stirring tales of the remarkable men and women who shaped the birth of a nation. From the valiant exploits of George Washington to the fearless courage of unsung heroes, each session brings to life the triumphs, sacrifices, and passions of those who fought for liberty.

But here’s where history truly comes alive: are you ready not just to learn about George Washington’s army, but to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them? Get ready to step into the shoes of these legendary figures, to reenact pivotal moments, and to immerse yourself in the drama of history. Roll up your sleeves and join the ranks, where we will breathe life into critical events through role-playing, simulations, and interactive experiences. Through this hands-on approach, you will not only understand history but live it. Feel the pulse of the battlefield, negotiate the challenges of wartime strategy, and witness the forging of a nation firsthand. Join us on this thrilling journey as we honor the heroes, decode their stories, and ignite your passion for history by experiencing the American Revolution in a way that transcends the classroom. Are you ready to take up the musket, to march with revolutionaries, and to shape the destiny of a new nation?

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $320 per 16-week term

Charter Funds: Cabrillo Point, Ilead, Sage Oak, Scale, Sky Mountain, River Springs, Citrus Springs, Empire Springs, Harbor Springs, Mission Vista -Vendor ID 5906, Excel

Please contact the vendor directly regarding charter fund options and information at


Learning levels 1st & 2nd grades
Instructor: Jane Layton

Course Description: My Story and the World Around Me is a lower elementary social studies course that introduces students to history, politics, sociology, economics, and geography, while providing an understanding of God’s world and the cultures of the countries. Level 1 begins with  children in their homes, helping them think about their lives from their immediate families and beyond, as well as learning about local governments.

Textbooks needed: Masterbooks, My Story 1 Textbook. A materials fee of $25 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets twice weekly.
Ala Carte Price: $480 per 16-week term

Charter Not Accepted


Instructor: Amber Rivera
Grades 2nd & 3rd

Description: America’s Story 1 teaches upper elementary students the amazing history of the United States of America from the ancient Americas to the 1850s. Students will explore the infancy of our country through the founding of our great nation, while catching glimpses of the Founding Fathers.

Textbooks needed: Masterbooks, America’s Story 1. Please purchase both the Teacher’s
Guide and the Textbook Set. A materials fee of $25 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets twice weekly.
Ala Carte Price: $480 per 16-week term

Charter Not Accepted


Instructors: Bekah Riddle 3rd-4th Grade level
Keri Atwell 4th-5th Grade level Course

Course Description: America’s Story 2 teaches elementary students the amazing history of the United States of America from the Civil War through the early 1900s. This course will help your student experience the struggle of the fledgling American nation as she strives to resolve conflict, reconstruct after division, expand through the Wild West, and join the world in the Industrial Revolution.

Textbooks needed: Masterbooks, America’s Story 2, Please purchase both the Teacher’s Guide and the Textbook Set.
A materials fee of $25 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets twice weekly.
Ala Carte Price: $480 per 16-week term

Charter Not Accepted


Grades 6-8
Instructor: Jessica Kubik

Course Description: The World’s Story 1 will teach students the amazing history of the world. Students will study World History from Creation to the Roman Empire.

Material fee of $25 per term will be collected by the instructor.
Textbook needed: Masterbooks World History. Please purchase both the Teacher’s Guide and the Textbook Set. A materials fee of $25 will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets for 60 minutes, twice weekly.
Ala Carte Price: $480 per 16-week term

Charter Not Accepted


Instructor: Brittany Morales

Course Description: Captivate your preschool student with the most amazing events in the Bible as they learn foundational skills in this developmental-based preschool program! Stepping Stones offers a developmental approach to learning concepts such as colors, letters, nutrition, matching objects, and weather, while also nourishing their faith in God.

In addition to the textbook workstyle, implementation of personal, hands-on experience with materials geared to draw out each student’s specific abilities and strengths so children enjoy a custom-tailored educational experience specific to their needs and pace.

Textbook needed: Masterbooks, Preschool Stepping Stones Workbook
Class meets on Tuesday and Thursday.

Ala Carte price $1920 per 16-week term. (This class meets for 4 hours twice a week.)
Material fee of $50 per term will be collected by the instructor, per term.

Charter Not Accepted


Instructor: Madi Reeves

Course Description: Our Kinder Core program utilizes Masterbooks as our primary curriculum. Your student will enjoy learning in a fun, hands-on, developmental environment!

Math Lessons for a Living Education: Level K uses engaging stories about a twin brother and sister and bright, colorful pages to bring math concepts to life. Your kindergarten student will master counting, basic shapes, opposites, and graphing. While studying math, your student will also learn about nature, weather, and how unique God created them to be.

Simply K:
Using a brilliant developmental approach, Simply K instills a love of learning while assessing and addressing the student’s stage of development. Using a unique method of modeling, teachers will guide the student in learning through play and interaction.

My Story K: My Family, Social Studies for this age typically includes introductions to family and culture, what it is to be a good citizen, basic geography and understanding simple maps, and basic economics and the value of things, ultimately aiming toward a better understanding of God’s love for us, our families, and other people in the world. The course begins at the core with a foundation of family, neighborhood, and church.

Adventures in the World Around Me: Level K
From learning about taste and hearing to discovering things about yourself and God, this kindergarten course is a simple way for young students to begin to understand science and the methods we use to explain it. Along the way, students will marvel at the greatness of God and His amazing creation!

Textbooks needed: Masterbooks- Grade K- Basic 4 Subject Set.
Material fee of $80 per term will be collected by the instructor, per term.

Class meets Tuesday and Thursday.
Ala Carte Price: $1920 per 16-week term (This class meets from 8:45-1:30 two days a week. Lunch is supervised by a parent volunteer).

Charter Not Accepted


(Grades) 1-2
Instructor: Jane Layton

Course Description: Watch your student’s confidence grow as they have fun learning age-appropriate grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and reading comprehension.
Textbook Needed: Masterbooks, Language Lessons for a Living Education Level 1.
Materials fee of $15 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets twice weekly
Ala Carte Price: $720 per 16-week term.

Charter Not Accepted



(Grades) 2-3
Instructor: Amber Rivera

Course Description: Students will continue to progress in their development of language arts skills through picture study, memorization, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, observation, poems, psalms, letters, and practical application through creative writing. Level 3 moves the student toward mastery of reading and grammar as well as the mechanics of communication and writing.

Textbook Needed: Masterbooks, Language Lessons for a Living Education- Level 2.
Materials fee of $15 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets twice weekly.
Ala Carte Price: $720 per 16-week term.

Charter Not Accepted


Grade Level(s) 3-4
Instructor: Bekah Riddle

Course Description: In this class, we will focus on developing strong foundational skills in reading, writing, spelling, and grammar and vocabulary. Reading: Students will learn how to read and comprehend a variety of texts, including fiction and non-fiction. We will work on identifying the main idea, making inferences, finding evidence in the text, understanding character  development, and identifying themes.

Writing: Students will learn how to write complete sentences, paragraphs, and short stories. We will focus on the writing process, including prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. Students will also be introduced to different writing genres, such as narrative, opinion, and informative writing.

Grammar and Vocabulary: Students will learn basic grammar and vocabulary skills, including parts of speech and sentence structure. We will also work on expanding our vocabulary through reading, context clues, and the study of prefixes and suffixes.

Textbook Needed: The Resourceful Teacher, Language Arts Curriculum, Level 3.
Material fee of $15 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets for 90 minutes, twice per week.
Ala Carte Price: $720 per 16-week term.

Charter Not Accepted


Grade Level(s) 4-5
Instructor: Keri Atwell

Course Description: In this class, we will build upon the foundational skills developed in previous years to deepen understanding of reading, writing, and grammar.

Reading: Students will read and analyze a variety of texts, including fiction and non-fiction. We will work on identifying and describing the theme, analyzing character traits and motives, identifying key details, citing evidence from the text, summarizing, and making connections between different texts, including the Bible. Students will also practice critical reading skills such as predicting, inferring, and evaluating.

Writing: Students will develop their writing skills through the writing process, including prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. We will focus on writing effective paragraphs and essays, including introductions, supporting details, and conclusions. Students will also learn to write for different purposes and audiences, such as persuasive writing and personal narratives.

Grammar: Students will deepen their understanding of grammar and vocabulary through the study of parts of speech, sentence structure, and syntax.

Textbook Needed: The Resourceful Teacher, Language Arts Curriculum, Level 4.
Material fee of $15 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets for 90 minutes, twice per week.
Ala Carte Price: $720 per 16-week term.

Charter Not Accepted


Grade Level(s) 6-7
Instructor: Jessica Kubik

Course Description: In this class, we will focus on developing advanced skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Reading: Students will develop advanced reading comprehension and critical thinking skills through close reading and analysis of a novel. Students will engage in discussions, team activities, and writing assignments that require them to explore literary elements such as character development, plot, setting, themes, and symbolism. Through the novel study, students will learn how to analyze complex texts, identify key themes and messages, and make connections to real-life situations. Students will also develop their vocabulary and enhance their ability to use context clues to infer meaning.

Writing: Students will develop their writing skills through the writing process, with a focus on developing more advanced writing strategies. We will work on crafting well-structured essays, including argumentative and expository writing. Students will also practice incorporating evidence and research to support their claims. Additionally, students will learn to write for different audiences and purposes.

Speaking and Listening: Students will develop their speaking and listening skills through class discussions, debates, and peer collaboration. We will work on effective communication techniques such as active listening, asking questions, and responding to questions with details and/or evidence.

Textbook Needed: The Resourceful Teacher, Language Arts Curriculum, Level 5.
Material fee of $15 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets for 90 minutes, twice per week.
Ala Carte Price: $720 per 16-week term.

Charter Not Accepted


Grades 1-8
Instructor: IncludEDucation

Course Description: The hunt is on for the next LEGO Master! This program is designed to get students inspired to use all their LEGO building knowledge to complete a series of building challenges that will be sure to spark their creativity and inspire them to learn more. We work in small teams, so students work on their communication and collaboration skills.

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $288 per 16-week term.

Charter Funds: Please contact the vendor directly regarding charter fund options and information at 951-6384334 or



Grades 2-8
Instructor: Jessica Kubik

Course Description: Life Skills Through Collaborative Learning A provides collaborative learning activities for students to learn, practice, and strengthen Christian character and real-life skills. Each week, students will be given hands-on engaging exercises that they will complete in learning teams. The collaborative learning skills build on one another week after week. They will learn how to be independent problem-solvers, critical thinkers, confident speakers, and Christlike collaborators.

Class meets for 90 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $360 per 16-week term

Materials fee of $50
Charter Not Accepted


Grade Level: 1st/2nd Grade
Instructor: Jane Layton

Course Description: Level 1 is a hands-on, interactive math curriculum. It is filled with activities, projects, and games that help students comprehend lessons. Students will see the connection between math, science, business, art, our world and universe. Most importantly, students will begin to comprehend how mathematics gives us a glimpse of our Creator.

Textbooks Needed: Apologia Mathematics Workbook and Textbook, Level 1.
Material fee of $15 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets for 90 minutes, twice per week.
Ala Carte Price: $720 per 16-week term.

Charter Not Accepted



Amber Rivera 2nd-3rd Grade level
Bekah Riddle 3rd – 4th Grade level
Keri Atwell 4th – 5th Grade level
Jessica Kubik 6th – 7th Grade level

Course Description: Singapore Math, using Primary Math US Edition. Basic Arithmetic studies for elementary grades. Placement tests are online at Please see current status of curriculum per grade level below:

● Our 2nd-3rd grade level is currently using Singapore Math 2A/2B
● Our 3rd-4th grade level is currently using Singapore Math 3A/3B
● Our 4th-5th grade level is currently using Singapore Math 3B/4A
● Our 6th-7th grade level will complete Singapore Math 5B

Textbooks Needed: Singapore Math Primary, U.S. Edition Workbook and textbook as noted above.
Material fee of $15 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets for 90 minutes, twice per week.
Ala Carte Price: $720 per 16-week term

Charter Not Accepted


Grade Level: 1-8
Instructor: IncludEDucation

Course Description: Photoshop Portion: Students will learn all about Photoshop and how to make the most amazing designs. This is a practical skill that sets students up for future success. 3D Portion: Students will learn how to create their own intricate 3D designs and have the opportunity to print them to take home. As part of this course, students will learn how 3D printers work and their maintenance. At the end of the course, we will gift to the students the 3D printer they used in class! This allows them to continue creating at home.

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $288 per 16-week term

Charter Funds: Please contact Vendor for charter options and information at 951-638-4334 or


Grades 1-5
Instructor: ILC Staff

Course Description: This elective course will provide students with additional learning support in the area of reading fluency and comprehension through the combined practices of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The lessons will be centered on the five key skills for reading foundations; phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students will have a daily reading expectation with the course.

Textbook needed: A $25.00 Foundational Skills license fee will be collected. This will take the place of a “textbook” purchase.
A 15.00 materials fee per term will be collected by the instructor.

Ala Carte Price: 60 minute class: $240 per 16-week term.
90 minute class: $360 per 16-week term.

Charter Not Accepted


Instructor: Jane Layton 1st-2nd Grade Level
Course Description: A complete life science curriculum. The lessons feature beautiful color pictures, age-appropriate activities, worksheets, Scripture learning, writing practice, and more. Fun and easy-to-use, the God’s Design Series – for Beginners curriculum is ideal for anyone who wants their children to understand creation from a solidly biblical basis.

Textbooks Needed: Masterbooks God’s Design For Life For Beginners. A materials fee of $25 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Classes meet for 60 minutes, twice weekly.
Ala Carte Price: $480 per 16-week term

Charter Not Accepted


Amber Rivera 2nd-3rd Grade Level
Bekah Riddle 3rd – 4th Grade level
Keri Atwell 4th – 5th Grade level
Jessica Kubik 6th – 8th Grade level

Course Description: Complete life science curriculum for 3rd-8th graders, which reveals the amazing world of God’s creation through the study of plants, animals, and the human body!

The World of Plants:
Discover the Creator’s handiwork as you study the beauty and intricacy of seeds, leaves, and flowers. Explore trees, fungi, algae, unusual plants, moss, and more.

The Human Body:
The human body is an incredibly complex and created wonder. Learn about the amazing functions of each system and understand that you are made in God’s image!

The World of Animals:
Discover how each animal was designed by God to be unique, from cuddly mammals and slimy frogs to jellyfish, butterflies, and bacteria. Get ready for an exciting adventure!

Textbook(s) Needed: Masterbooks, God’s Design For Life. Please purchase both the Teacher’s Guide and the Textbook.
A materials fee of $25 per term will be collected by the instructor.

Class meets for 60 minutes, twice weekly.
Ala Carte Price: $480 per 16-week term

Charter Not Accepted


Grades 1-8
Instructor: Intro to Skate staff

Course Description: Skateboarding class on campus! All skill levels are welcome. We will have some ramps on the campus to work on improving skills. These mobile classes tend to be mostly beginners and if so, the focus will be on the basics and moving up from there. If your student is more intermediate level, Intro to Skate will scale the class up accordingly.

Supplies needed: skateboard, pads, helmet, water.
Loaner equipment is available for free rentals and for sale if requested ahead of time.
Contact info for questions: 269-491-0195

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $400 per 16-week term

(Each class will cap at 7-8 students)
Charter Funds: YES- Please contact Jon directly for information


Grades 1-8
Instructor: Mr. Mora

Course Description: In this course, students will be learning how to speak and form sentences through vocabulary words, pronunciation practice, reading short stories/poetry, singing songs, and much more. We will practice by repetition and playing games. We will have fun learning Spanish together!

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week. Ala Carte Price: $275 per 16-week term
*Supplies Needed: *If you already took Spanish in the 2022-2023 school year, please keep your workbooks from last year! We will be referring to them throughout the year. For the books listed below, please find your grade and purchase the books under that level. If you already have 1 or more of the books, only purchase the books you do not currently have, but bring all books listed below to class.

Grades Kindergarten – 2nd grade
Beautiful Mundo volume one (this curriculum is meant for 36 weeks) so it would be for both Fall and Spring.

Grades 3rd-4th
Skill Builders Spanish Workbook for Kids, Grades K-5 Spanish I Workbook for Alphabet, Numbers, Vocabulary and More
Carson Dellosa – Skill Builders Spanish II Workbook, for Grades K–5, 80 Pages With Answer Key

Grades 6th-8th
Carson Dellosa Skill Builders Spanish I Workbook—Grades 6-8 Reproducible Spanish Workbook With Spanish Vocabulary, Common Words and Phrases for Conversational Skills (80 pgs)

Carson Dellosa | Skill Builders: Spanish 2 Workbook | 6th–8th Grade, 80pgs

There was some confusion on the books last semester because of the combined class so if your child already has one of the books, order the one they don’t have.

Charter Not Accepted


Grades 1-8
Instructor: Adam Hohneker

Course Description: Students will learn the fundamentals of basic acting including voice work (speaking from the diaphragm, voice projection and clear pronunciation), improvisation (developing skills of thinking on the fly, trusting their instinct, reacting to what’s in front of them, and staying present in the moment), as well as general acting. Regardless of whether your child wants to pursue a career in acting, this training helps students to develop basic skills like communication, memorization and public speaking. This class is scalable meaning the instructor has ample opportunity to reduce or increase the difficulty level.

Class meets for 60 minutes, once per week.
Ala Carte Price: $240 per 16-week term

Charter Not Accepted


Grades 3-8
Instructor: Mrs. Jane Layton

Course Description: Write from the Beginning…and Beyond is a comprehensive writing program that uses Thinking Maps to build a strong foundation for writing across all genres and content areas. It is FUN! Students will learn to write personal narratives, imagine narratives, and information/expository in a meaningful, creative, and fun way. I choose interesting and/or funny Literature stories to help students learn to enjoy and even love writing. Imagination stories are done in collaborative groups. Students create silly stories using basic writing elements to complete them and act them out! Information/Expository writing explores subjects students are already interested in like favorite animals. Students learn to love writing when they are enjoying  it. Almost all work is done in class, unless your child is absent.

For the Level 2 class, persuasive writing may also be covered.

Class meets for 90 minutes, once weekly.
Ala Carte price: $360 per 16-week term. (This course is a two-term course. Each term costs $360 and you will need to register for the Spring 2024 term.)

Charter Not Accepted


Grades 2-3
Instructor: Amber Rivera

Course Description: This class is for students needing to learn and/or master sentence writing independently. Students will be taught to edit their work, understand a topic sentence, create supporting sentences, and begin to learn the mapping process for a paragraph. Spelling and punctuation will also be taught and reviewed.

Textbook needed: Blackbird & Co- Parts of Speech-One True Sentence “A” Bundle. (Workbook and cards)

Class meets for 90 mins, once weekly.
Ala Carte price: $360 per 16-week term. (This course is a two-term course. Each term costs $360 and you will need to register for the Spring 2024 term.)

Charter Not Accepted



Grade Levels: 6th– 12th. The Creative Arts Program (“CAP”) at Influence Learning Center is a pre-professional training program for visual and performing arts. Courses meet weekly for 90 minutes weekly.

Classes are open to traditional homeschooling students as well as public and private school students in Orange County. The 16-week semester will culminate in “capstone” projects where students will exhibit their newfound skill set.



Instructor: Veronica DeLuca
Grades: 6-12

Course Description: In this course, students will be introduced to the world of web design through the WordPress platform. Students will first engage in the creative process to decide what type of site they’d like to build, what they want it to look like and what functionality they want it to have. They will learn to create a site map, wireframes, and storyboards for their website, and once they have a solid plan in place, we’ll jump online. Once online, students will learn how to register a URL, set up hosting, and build a simple blog or website using WordPress.

While creating their blog or website, students will learn about hex color codes, some simple coding, and how to utilize plugins and other free resources to help them create a site that looks and functions as they’d like it to. Upon completion of the course, students will have a functioning blog or website that they created.

Students will need access to the internet and an iPad or laptop during our class, however I have several iPads available for students to borrow over the course of the term if needed, please reach out to to check availability and reserve a loaner before registering.

Class Price: $400 per 16-week term
Materials Fee: $50

Charter not accepted


Instructor: Veronica DeLuca
Grades 4/5-12

Course Description: In this course, students will be introduced to graphic design and come to understand the design process. They will learn the fundamentals of two-dimensional design and how points, lines, planes, gestalt, and color can create and communicate meaning. Students will create design solutions by practicing the creation of thumbnail sketches, rough sketches, and comprehensive design. They will be introduced to the power of words through typography and about font pairing and hierarchy. The course will conclude with students creating a personal logo and business card design, which will be presented during the last week of class.

Class price: $400 per 16-week term.
Materials Fee $50.

Charter not accepted



Instructor: Emma Birlea
Grades 6-12
Course Description:

Summary: This 16-week course is designed to introduce students to the dynamic world of fashion and business while incorporating ethical and biblical perspectives. The course aims to foster creativity, critical thinking, and an understanding of responsible practices within the industry.

Capstone project: Students work in teams on a project related to the fashion industry and business. This could involve creating a mini fashion brand, designing a marketing campaign, or developing a sustainable fashion concept.

Weeks 1-2: Introduction to Fashion Industry
Weeks 3-4: Fashion Design Basics
Weeks 5-6: Fashion Trends and Forecasting
Weeks 7-8: Fashion Marketing
Weeks 9-10: Fashion Retail
Weeks 11-12: Fashion Production
Weeks 13-14: Fashion Business Models
Weeks 15-16: Capstone Project Preparation

Class price: $400 per 16-week term

Charter not accepted